Friday 1 December 2023



Mother Mary knew the human cost of the gift of Christ's Life to the world

There is so much suffering and injustice in the world. In juxtaposition with this inescapable fact, there is also much joy, healing and bringing of justice to earth. Men and women have pivotal roles to play in bringing tenets of the gospel of peace to a suffering world.

Reject the ways of war

What can you and I do to bring peace and justice to situations where there is conflict and injustice? Reverend Vanessa Wyse Jackson preached that "We need to reject the ways of war, and work together for justice and peace." [1]

Women know the price to be paid

Women know the price to be paid for the building of a human life. Countless women have grown babies within their bodies, struggled with morning sickness, pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, perineal tears, post-partum psychosis in order to deliver the gift of a healthy baby to the world.

Olive Shreiner and the knowledge of woman

Olive Shreiner posited that "No woman who is a woman says of a human body, 'it is nothing'... on this one point, and on this point alone, the knowledge of woman, simply as woman, is superior to that of man; she knows the history of human flesh; she knows its cost; he does not." [2] 

Labor which brings forth a child

The labor which brings forth a child makes of a woman a realist. She knows what her child cost. Every woman who becomes pregnant faces the realization that she might not come out of her pregnancy alive, and she faces this reality with concern only for her child. Is this not true courage indeed?

A woman knows the history of human flesh

On the website of artist Dina Cormick appears a haunting portrayal of Shreiner's quote, "A woman knows the history of human flesh, she knows its cost." In the depiction, a woman holds a child up towards heaven, her face would appear to be ravaged in grief. From the time I saw this artwork during the time of loss and death during Covid pandemic, I pondered its meaning. Reflection from personal inspiration I received from this image on Dina Cormick's art website has resulted in this article. [3]

The image suggested to me that a mother is holding her child up to God, the little one appears to be no more. The apparently bereaved mother is crying to Heaven for the little one, who was born of her love for another and from the sacrifices and pain of her own body. Now the little one is lost to earth, but not to Heaven. What happened? What tragedy occurred? I do not know. I do know, that this art work inspires me yet again to realize the inestimable value each precious life has in the Sight of Almighty God. 

Blessed are the peacemakers

Horrendous images and accounts of the true horrors of war have been available. Unimaginable pain, suffering and death in many countries trouble our earth. Men and women have mandate from Jesus Christ to be peacemakers and prevent this bloodshed, "Blessed are the peacemakers; for they will be called children of God," Jesus Christ tells us. [4] This seventh beatitude takes every Christian worker into the task of conflict resolution. Conflicts arise whenever people have differences of opinion.

Let us manage conflict. But let us do what we can to prevent the horrors of war. 

Mothers are less inclined to send their children into battlefields

In the context of war, Diplomat Dawie Jacobs considers that 'The burden always falls on the shoulders of the next generations. They are paying for "the sins of the fathers." ' [5]

Diplomat Jacobs goes on to write that "The only dim light ahead is that the new generation is, broadly speaking, less indoctrinated and blindfolded and that more women are slowly moving into positions of power.

As mothers they are less inclined to send their children into battlefields and generally are not as driven by a lust for power.

They rank brainpower higher than muscle power and generally put a high premium on the kind of world they leave behind for their children.

We need a new generation of leaders. Leaders that see consideration for others not as a weakness, but as a strength. Leaders that care about the kind of world they want to leave behind for future generations." [5]

Let us work for peace

Let us pray for end to war. Let us work for peace. And may women, who grow infants within their bodies and labor to bring new life into the world, continue to be life-bearers and witnesses to the utter sanctity of each human life.

As Mother Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour did.

[1] Rev. Vanessa Wyse Jackson B.A., H.dip.Ed. Public sermon July 2016. Dublin, Ireland

[2] Olive Shreiner. Woman and Labor. 1911. Olive Shreiner Quote

[3] Dina Cormick. About the artist

[4] Matthew 5:9

[5] Jacobs, Dawie (Diplomat). Pretoria. "Sadly, history keeps repeating itself in senseless wars". Sowetan. Letters, Tuesday November 21 2023.

With thanks to Rev Vanessa Wyse Jackson public sermon,, and

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